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Cookie Information

A cookie is a small text file that resides on your computer. Cookies are used to remember your settings when you revisit a website and to identify how visitors navigate the site. Cookies provide valuable information to website owners to adapt and make changes to the site in order to improve the user experience.

We recommend you allow the cookies we set by this website as they help us provide a better service.

If you do not want to receive cookies from this website, select cookie settings under the privacy settings in your browser options, then add our domain to the list of websites you do not want to accept cookies from.

Under settings you can also delete individual cookies or any cookies that your browser has stored.

If you set your browser to refuse cookies, please be aware that there may be functionality on various websites that does not work.

You can find more information on how to delete and control cookies at http://www.allaboutcookies.org/