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Staying Safe Online

Staying safe with Young Lincolnshire:

We can’t check out every organisation/activity posted on Young Lincolnshire’s website, or everyone using it, (although we will try and monitor the site regularly) so please follow these guidelines to keep safe. Safety for everyone is one of our key priorities.

Organisations and Activities on Young Lincolnshire’s website

All the organisations posting information with Young Lincolnshire ensure their information meet all of the laws designed to keep you safe, and to meet best practice standards of volunteer management, within their own policy documents. However, because we do not organise these activities ourselves, (unless they appear as organised by Young Lincolnshire), we can’t guarantee that these standards will be met. Do not apply to or attend any activity if you feel suspicious about them. Please get in touch with us and we’ll check it out for you.

If you’re under 18, get permission from a parent or guardian before applying for an activity.

Whilst volunteering always pass to the organiser an emergency name and contact number on the day, ensure you have consent from a parent/guardian if under 18 and provide any medical details in case of an emergency. Always tell someone trustworthy where you will be and when.

It is the volunteers responsibility to ensure prior to their volunteering that they have the correct health and safety equipment. Young Lincolnshire holds no responsibility for late or cancelled events. Please contact the organisation to acquire all relevant details.

If you receive any contact from a voluntary organisation that you think is inappropriate or makes you feel uncomfortable or unhappy, please contact us straight away, so that we can take immediate action. However, if you’re in immediate danger or want urgent help, then call 999, or get in contact with your local police or the CEOP Internet Safety Centre.

Any organisation which breaks our terms and conditions will be removed without reproach from our website. Any illegal activity will be reported to the appropriate law enforcement authorities.

Passwords – general advice

For your security, ensure passwords you use on websites are at least seven characters long. To make it stronger, use upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols like ! ” ? $ % ^ & ). Treat your password with your life! Please don’t share it with anyone. Also, to make sure no one else has a chance of guessing your password, don’t use anything obvious like your name, your pet’s name, or your favourite band.

Young Lincolnshire is a brand in partnership with LCVYS, LYA and DV (Information can be found on the website with regard to the three organisations)

For more details on our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use, please click on the appropriate links at the bottom of our homepage.

(Last reviewed March 2015)